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DAISE S218 超重低音 玛田双18寸低音炮 迪吧音箱 演出音箱厂家 音响厂

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最后更新: 2018-10-07 17:30
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  • 所在地区:广东
  • 收藏本公司 人气:737
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    >> Poduct: S218 low-fequency speake is the need fo high-quality bass effects designed occasions, eflect both the stength and a vey comfotable and full flexibility is bought about by the addition of a sense of satisfaction. The slim size of its customes save moe space and a lage black line F12 and F15 use the system to a total extension of the low-fequency output powe. >> Featues: Full of low-fequency comfotable, soft and flexible low-fequency gives a comfotable feeling, no matte how long the heaing will not feel tied and iitable. Meng Biao of the bass module, using the latest cooling technology, two-unit ulta-low 18-inch, double bass diect and potfolio stuctue of the vocal style, low-fequency enegy will be moe focused on the launch out. >> Applications: Outdoo mobile sound einfocement system, indoo SHOW it, shake it slow and the installation of fixed sites such as the use of the system. In the S seies, with othe models using the combination of wide-band speakes, not only high-quality sound and easy to install.

    >> 产品说明S218低频音箱是专门为需要高质量低音效果的场合而设计的,体现出的是既有力度又拥有非常舒适的丰满和弹性,带来的是另外一种满足的感觉。而其纤巧的体型为用户省去更多的空间与大型的黑线F12和F15系统一起使用来延伸总的低频输出功率。

    >> 性能特点:丰满舒适的低频,柔和而富有弹性的低频给人舒适的感觉,无论听多久都不会感觉到烦躁和疲惫。飚猛的低音单元,采用最新散热技术的双18寸超低单元,并组合成双低音直射式发声结构,将低频的能量更加集中的发射出来; >> 应用场合:户外流动扩声系统,室内SHOW吧、慢摇吧及固定安装系统等场所使用。在S系列中与其他型号全频音箱组合使用,不仅声音质量高,而且便于安装。 型号 Model S218 承受功率 powe handling 1200W 峰值功率 Peak powe capacity 2400W 额定阻抗 Nominal impedance 4ohm 频率范围 Fequency Range 33Hz-380KHz 灵敏度 Sensitivity(1W/1M) 101dB 最大声压级 MAX SPL 133dB 低音单元 LF unit 18-in ×2 尺寸 Dimensions(H×L×D) 561×1066×780(mm) 净重 Net weight 105kg



